Whole New Computer in 3 Steps

This isn’t exciting to anyone but me. But it deserves to be recorded.

First off, I tripled the memory in my computer tonight. I’m actually ashamed (as a geek) how little RAM I had in my otherwise surprisingly powerful 4-year-old desktop. When asked what it is, I tell people that it started a “Dell” and now it’s a “Dan.”

I also fixed a rather large audio problem that involved iTunes coming through my Philips VOIP phone and Skype emanating from my speakers. The first attempt made ALL sound go through only the Skype phone, and only when a call was in progress (Alltel is going to wonder about all the “Unidentified” calls to my cell) despite all sound supposedly being directly only to the speakers in my Control Panel. The long and short of it is that I eventually won. It always gives you a sense of superiority when you outsmart the computer, especially when it involves sucessful international phone calls and a properly functioning iTunes, both coming through only the intended device.

And finally, my flat panel monitor arrived this afternoon and was installed this evening, freeing up my old CRT for Colin to make a dual monitor configuration (and waste a ton of electricity, but look cool doing it, what with the Matrix screensavers) and freeing up my desk to actually do homework here this semester. And by do homework here this semester, I mean do homework this semester.

Author: Danny

Occasional Ecuadorian