I know, I know. I’ll scare people away if I give them too much to read. But this one’s a little lighter than the several preceding entries and I just had to write it.
Driving back from class today, I was going down Southern Avenue. For those unfamiliar with Elizabeth City, Southern Ave. is a pretty long street (it’s even longer if you take into consideration that it, Park Street, Riverside Ave., and River Road are all the same road, and really, you could extend that to Pitt’s Chapel Rd. as well) that goes from town through and to a large chunk of residential area and past the main entrance to Elizabeth City State University.
This woman was driving a van down Southern Avenue towards town. She was not up to the University yet, and I was past it already, headed home. I’m not sure what compelled me to glance inside the car at the actual driver, but when I did, I realized that both of her hands were not only not on the steering wheel, but over her eyes! And she wasn’t just coasting along either, I’m pretty sure she passed me doing 35 or 40.
Because of the glare from the sun on the windshield, I couldn’t see if there was some kid in the passenger seat who she was just terrorizing for a couple of seconds on that straightaway. And yeah, I know it’s a little dark that that’s the only explanation I could come up with for that action, but it’s something I would have thought was funny from the backseat while my brother freaked out if somebody had done that to us when we were little.
At any rate, I watched her in my rear view mirror (which means that neither of us were looking at the road) and she didn’t crash either within my field of vision or anywhere back along the course of the road when I went back down it later.
So basically this is a pointless post, except maybe that it’s quite interesting what you’ll see if you stalkerishly peer at people inside their cars.