Terrible With Words

I’ve been trying to write this post since July 29 (and I just spent like 10 minutes figuring out that exact date). That mere fact ought to just emphasize my entire point.

People tell me all the time how good I am at writing. Every English professor I’ve had since being in college (when I actually started putting half an ounce of effort into any work) has been what Mike dubs a “Danny fan.” Everybody in Ecuador loved my blog once they discovered it, and I have been amazed by the extent of my readership Stateside.

Now I’m not tooting my own horn by any means. I’ll just go ahead and tell you that I feel like almost everything I write on my blog is half-finished, not well thought-out, and uses too many “I”‘s  and parenthetical phrases (I think you’ll notice them now that I say that, and I’m only partially joking). Consistently, my sermons are written on Saturday night, and Lord knows if I have a paper due, especially online, it gets turned in at 11:59PM, barely finished, with no planning and only enough references and four syllable words to fake someone into thinking it says anything of any value.

Edit 3/10/2018: This has been in my Drafts folder for nine years. It’s unfinished, and I don’t know where it was going. But it was interesting, so I published it.

Author: Danny

Occasional Ecuadorian