I’ve been to many a Maundy Thursday service, but most of the ones I remember have been here in Elizabeth City. According to my mom, I attended one at St. Paul’s UMC in Clarksdale, Mississippi in which we took communion at a table set for a Seder meal. I have no recollection of that one, though I do remember my first or second year at First UMC when we actually did have a Seder meal during Holy Week.
It was the former type of service, though, in which I got to participate last night. We continued our Lenten virtual tour of the Holy Land with a digital trip to the modern-day Garden of Gethsemane.
Edit 3/9/2018: There was probably more to this post. It was in my drafts folder, and I decided to publish it. I wish I knew what the rest of this story was or where I was going with this thought. But nine seasons of Lent later, I have no clue.