This is just too wonderful not to be shared. I’m doing a bad thing and using up the Associated Press’ bandwidth by linking to this photo, but doing a good thing and not outright stealing it. W’s Press Secretary really should have foreseen this being a problem for him before he was allowed anywhere near cameras in it.
And I haven’t fallen off the face of the earth. I’ve actually been writing, and there are 4 drafts saved to my blog software right now. Maybe I’ll have some time to polish and publish those over Thanksgiving. Enjoy this in the meantime.

Update, September 2020: Because I originally did a good thing and linked to the photo, it eventually went away when the AP archived their original story. So twelve years later, I did dig it up in another place on the internet and uploaded it to my own site. Not only was this too good not to share, it’s too good to let disappear. I truly miss the days that the President of the United States managed to still be charming and entertaining even when he was an idiot.
LOL that’s awesome!!!!
You actually polish your posts??? I never bother. Then again, I am not a prolific poster 🙂