Header Image Randomizer

There’s a seven-in-eight chance that you’re looking at a new header on my site. That’s because I did some work and put up my image randomizer, finally. I’ve known about this little piece of code forever, and I’ve actually had it sitting around unused since at least March 17 of last year. But it’s in use now, and the result is that you’ll see a different header every time you visit the site. (If you want to have fun with it, press Ctrl+F5 right now to clear the cache and refresh, and you can cycle through them in random order).

I’ll have more images cycling through the header soon. It takes a little bit of image editing to get one the right dimensions to work, so I’m really proud of the seven that I’ve done in addition to the original header. Thanks to Mike Turner for referring me to this code, and Matt Mullenweg for originally writing it.


This blog originally posted at www.dannypeck.net (cruise on over there and you’ll understand).

Author: Danny

Occasional Ecuadorian