A Pair of Insignificant Achievements

(^No pun intended^) J.K. Rowling always posts her high scores in Minesweeper, so I am posting my online card-playing achievements.

I’ve been playing a lot of FreeCell lately. I’ve gotten pretty good at it. This image is actually a little behind now. I’m up to 103 or something. But here is my 100-game perfect winning streak in FreeCell:

FreeCell 100-Win Streak

To follow that up, my mom doesn’t understand my Hearts strategy whatsoever. That’s probably because there are times when it fails miserably. But when it works, I pull off feats like this one, displayed below. You’ll notice that I shot the moon to start and to finish the game, with a total of six hands where I took 0 points, and almost a third time shooting the moon on that eighth hand (one card short).


At the last minute (as usual)

I can’t stand to skip a month in my posts, so since it’s almost July, here I am. That and now Mike can turn down his cantankerousness for a few days. At least I have someone motivating me to use this thing. Eventually maybe I’ll get into the habit of this blogging business and actually begin to record my thoughts for posterity and the general good of the world. However, it’s currently a record of me being slack- having a blog five years after everyone else in the world and adding this post at 11:59 on June 30. But I’m just upholding (one of) the Bro Motto(s): “If we weren’t slackers, we’d never get anything done.