
Well, I wrote a pretty nicely sized piece about the Fourth of July the other day and it seemed to have disappeared. Until I just discovered I’m silly and hit “Save” instead of “Publish”. So it’s up 5 days late now.
If you’re reading this on wordpress, cool. If you’re reading it on my new start page, cooler. I’m figuring out this whole RSS include thing and they’re pretty sweet. Makes me feel a little hackerish again. That’s basically it for now. Nothing really to report on other than one month left being at Goody’s all the time and that Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest was pretty darn good. Needed more interaction between characters and less creatures, but otherwise pretty sweet.


First and foremost, I’m uber-stoked at the fact that I’m sitting in my room posting right now on my own computer. My router finally works and my computer is happily back online. Hoo-rah!

We went sailing last night on the Entropy. Not sure if that’s a permanent name yet or not, but at any rate it’s James, Mike and Kyle’s 25′ Hunter Sailing Yacht. Adam, James, Mike and I sailed over to Newbegun to watch the fireworks and they were sweet. I’m not even a real big fireworks fan but we were (way too) close and they were huge. (There were also flames, ash, and pieces of shell landing and sizzling in the water and the boat all around us. Yay burning stuff.)

I’m done with Biology and Health for the summer and am now practically living at Goody’s instead of COA. Church looks like it’s on the upswing, and my guitar is restrung. All in all, short post, happy summer.