Photos from Training ’18

I haven’t stopped for a moment to write down all the things I wanted to about Quito Quest training this year. But here is a photographic glimpse of what has been happening for the past couple of weeks.

My guitar didn’t quite make it in one piece all the way to Ecuador.
Liam (4) decided where all the toppings should go on the pizza.
The Youth World team (mostly Casa G) made it all the way to the Finals in the Quito Cup.
A good-looking team and their cheerleaders from Youth World.
Cameron translates Ezechias’s presentation on Africa to the Youth World staff.
A fish farm, as seen from the overlook at the restaurant outside Baños, Ecuador.
The bridge was only a couple inches wider than our bus.
No, really, this bridge was tiny.
Jorge Luís pouring us some Guayusa in Tena, Ecuador.
The canoe that took us 30 minutes up the Napo River to Bella Vista, Ecuador.
And look at that, our canoe was named “Guayusa” too.
Organizing games with the kids in Bella Vista, Ecuador.
Francis helped make dinner when we got back to Quito.
Italian food during Quito Quest’s traditional “Fancy Dinner”
Fancy Dinner. Absolutely the nicest this group will look during our entire 78 days.
We must be official, now that we’ve got T-shirts. D-boss thinks she’s cool with her mustard “I’m in charge” shirt.
The Education=Hope staff for the summer. Interns Ezechias and Morgan, Director Cameron, Administrator Rocio, Maestro Danny, and Roberto… who may or may not do any actual work.
Ecuadorian intern Pablo… who is frowning because he couldn’t figure out how to change the gas despite living his entire 19 years in this country.
Ezechias and Grace were no help changing the gas tank either, but offered their encouragement.
Día del Niño at Emaús. The kids ministry leaders dressed up as characters from shows and movies.
Marthita’s 19th birthday party during youth group at Emaús.
Up on the roof! Morgan, Pablo, Danny, Grace, Bleu, and Ezechias having a sing-along with photographer Chelsea on her apartment’s roof.

Emaús Pics (2016 Day 1)

I like words enough that I don’t always agree that a picture is worth a thousand of them. But here are a baker’s dozen for those of you who do.



The team getting ready to start their day.

IMG_2385Welcome Sewanne team (and Caroline, Danny and Josh)!



One of the walls in the Sunday School room, which was painted 3 years ago by my youth from E.C.




Another one of the walls in the Sunday School room, which was painted 3 years ago by my youth from E.C.



The meeting room upstairs. This just had a concrete floor (and a hole in the roof) during my last visit.


Snack time!



Bending rebar “como varón!”


Bending and tying together rebar.


Up close working on the rebar.


I gave up flipping llapingachos and let Caroline handle it.


Obviously the most important activity of the day.


The Ecuadorians showed no mercy to the gringos during soccer.


The soccer game from above.


Some Random Photo Favorites

This is a picture of Quito at night, as seen from Diana’s roof. I think next to the beach and the view from El Refugio, the millions of city lights are one of my favorite scenes.

Another favorite sight in Quito is the simultaneous red and green lights. No, this is not the first time I’ve seen this. And I’ve heard from a couple of people who have been driving in Ecuador for a long time that they aren’t positive what to do upon encountering them either. I think I’d just have to treat it like a flashing red or yellow light and hope there was not a cop behind me.

Even after a team gets on the plane, you sometimes end up working just about until the next one shows up to finish out the block. But even so, you just can’t help but miss people as you match up 39 pairs of their socks. I was reminded of what my pastor at home referred to recently as the “Blessing of the Boxers,” and how simple (though maybe time-consuming) tasks can be ministries if you are open to the possibility.

I’m pretty sure this is the funniest graffiti I’ve ever seen. Especially in Quito.

First day in Photos

Just a couple…

Originally uploaded by danielwpeck

I suggested we get a couple of fruit salads to share. Apparently there was some difference of opinion as to how much sharing should be going on.


Originally uploaded by danielwpeck

This is why you shouldn’t rely solely on Google Translate.

Inca dome

Originally uploaded by danielwpeck

These guys found out that this is where Incan ritual human sacrifice used to take place… So of course they had to try to see inside.

Block 2 Photos

About half of my photos from block 2 (including the photos I stole from the team) are posted under photos. I’ll try to have them all up by the time we leave for the beach, but since I imagine that will mean setting a lot of them to upload overnight and I can only do one folder at a time, you might have to wait until Monday. Also, I have a strong feeling that I removed all the photos from someone’s memory card without putting them back. I have that whole folder and I can put it up on the site temporarily as a zip file for download. Just let me know via e-mail.

Photos Up

So I have finally got my Flickr Plugin working and my photos are up. This particular plugin doesn’t update super-fast, so the best way to view the new ones is on my flickr page, quite a few are showing up right now. I’m in the process of getting all of mine moved over there, even the Ecuador ones. So keep an eye on them. Just hit the “photos” link at the top of this page (or if you’re reading this on facebook, click right here).