yeah, it looks a little different around here. Making some changes this week after having to reinstall my WordPress software. Check back for more.
Category: Neutral Stuff
Wallet Follow-up
First of all, I just want to acknowledge that I usually have wittier titles than “Wallet”. I’ll work on that.
Secondly, I thought this was in my blog, but I apparently only put it up as a status on facebook. Back at the end of June, a customer at Albemarle Music guessed that I was 29. The reason we were even discussing age? His driver’s license was almost expired, and I commented that I’d never had that problem because I’ve lost my wallet (including a license each time) frequently enough that I’ve never had a license expire. He said he’d had that problem a lot when he was my age.
I liked the implication that I looked 29 (people tend to significantly underestimate my age as a rule) but not the implication that because I’m “young” I can’t hold onto my stuff. At least this time I have a semi-valid reason.
Last Morning in Quito
This morning I’m up early. I hit the sack about 10 minutes after we came home from dinner last night, and feel much better for it, though I’m still kind of stuffy. But I’m functional enough to complete everything I have to before we head out of Quito this afternoon for final debrief.
It’s weird to be down to our last days this summer. All the teams are gone, most of the other interns have headed out already, and we’re packing up the house today (if anyone else ever gets out of bed).
With that same finishing-out feeling, I even completed the posts that have been sitting around my drafts folder since June. Those would be June 25 about Block 2 and June 16 about getting left in the jungle (those links are mostly for the benefit of people here). I’m done with most of our required reading and our ministry supplies and clothes from the last team (or two teams… whoops) are distributed.
I’m looking forward to seeing people, and to putting some plans into actions when I return home, but I’m not remotely ready to leave.
At the last minute (as usual)
I can’t stand to skip a month in my posts, so since it’s almost July, here I am. That and now Mike can turn down his cantankerousness for a few days. At least I have someone motivating me to use this thing. Eventually maybe I’ll get into the habit of this blogging business and actually begin to record my thoughts for posterity and the general good of the world. However, it’s currently a record of me being slack- having a blog five years after everyone else in the world and adding this post at 11:59 on June 30. But I’m just upholding (one of) the Bro Motto(s): “If we weren’t slackers, we’d never get anything done.