Not Jittery Anymore / No One Loves Me

So I have literally JUST found my phone after 3 days of it being lost in the depths of my room. At least this time I was actually sure that it was here instead of calling Tres Amigos, the bank and God knows where else before it was discovered in the Misses Department of Goody’s. (I don’t know either.)

Now I was, as most of you probably suspect, going through withdrawal, and have had no idea what time it was for the last 72 hours. I did call it twice to check for voicemails, which I had none of. So this morning, expecting to have 17 missed calls and some unGodly amount of text messages amassed on my neglected phone, I was dissapointed to discover that I had three missed calls. Subtract two from home that were myself, that leaves Shelly at 5:45 Tuesday. In fact the last person I actually talked to was Jerry at 9:13 Monday night. The rest of you, to put it plainly, are haters.

In other news, yay for the Democrats, I’m burned out from school, thank God for Thanksgiving, I may be able to test out of CIS-110 and get 3 free credit hours, along with my other discovery this week that may allow me to graduate on time TWICE , and I’m now the semi-owner of a GEmie


So that’s a terrible play on a Gwen Stephani album title, but it’s all the creativity I could muster. At any rate, that seems to be my life lately. But the work is finally chilling out. The best thing is that I’m making this post from work. Week four at Albemarle Music is rocking. Not that I’m not going to miss Goody’s a little bit (mostly the people) but it’s wonderful to be able to sit down once in a while, to be done at 7 every day and off on Sunday. Plus I’m playing guitars and talking to chill people all day. No more 11:00pm recovery and only half the 7:00am trucks to process.

In summary of my general job thoughts: don’t work two at once. It causes a total lack of sleep. Which at least in my case is also caused by night sailing and Midnight Matrix Marathons. And even if it wasn’t I’d probably still blame it on Mike, James and Adam. Either way I went to bed at 10:30 last night and got up at 9:30 this morning and I’m on a picture-taking kick lately. Expect to see some chaos.

And if anybody knows where I can find a cheap, light, laptop with a relatively new/nice processor and RAM, even one without an Operating System, I’m in the market.

<!– end today’s thoughts –>

I Bought Keira Knightley On eBay

So I’ve been having a girly kick latley and bought both Keira Knightley and Julia Stiles on the internet. Granted that means Pride & Prejudice and 10 Things I Hate About You but it’s still fun to say. However, my get-rich-quick scheme (A.K.A. marrying Avril Lavigne) has failed as she was betrothed to Deryck Wibley of Sum41. Darn you Deryk. Oh, well, there are quite enough “Danny fans” (Mike’s words, not mine) right now anyway.

At any rate, today was the first day at Albemarle Music Center. Come see me. It rocks and I’m enjoying it and can’t wait to start it all the time in August. They’re gonna kill me at Goody’s when I tell them, but whatever. It’s almost not like work at the music store. They’re like “hey, make a spreadsheet” or “restring this guitar” which is stuff that I would be doing at home and not paying myself if I wasn’t there. So heck yes.

Really this is just an update of my life. Nothing profound today. I like that about summer. It’s a vacation from being profound. And I’d even let you quote me on that except that it would be too much like a profound statement. So this entire paragraph is off the record.


First and foremost, I’m uber-stoked at the fact that I’m sitting in my room posting right now on my own computer. My router finally works and my computer is happily back online. Hoo-rah!

We went sailing last night on the Entropy. Not sure if that’s a permanent name yet or not, but at any rate it’s James, Mike and Kyle’s 25′ Hunter Sailing Yacht. Adam, James, Mike and I sailed over to Newbegun to watch the fireworks and they were sweet. I’m not even a real big fireworks fan but we were (way too) close and they were huge. (There were also flames, ash, and pieces of shell landing and sizzling in the water and the boat all around us. Yay burning stuff.)

I’m done with Biology and Health for the summer and am now practically living at Goody’s instead of COA. Church looks like it’s on the upswing, and my guitar is restrung. All in all, short post, happy summer.