Be Here Now

I’m a planner. A list maker. Someone who is always worried about something other than what I’m doing, in a young Obi-Wan sort of way. Part of that is just who I am. Part of it is Sarah Miller’s voice in my head telling me to be always thinking of the next step. And it’s great that I had my plans for UMYF in March worked out three weeks ago.

But there are also times when I can just be a little kid giving into the excitement of the next great thing I get to do. And that’s why I’ve been keeping one of the sayings/rules of El Refugio in my mind over the last few days. “Be here now.” Because what I’m doing at any given time can be pretty important. I still have 9 hours of work tomorrow and a church council meeting, and prep work for youth and shopping and packing and tons of smaller things to accomplish before I get on a plane on Tuesday. Yet it’s really hard to not be thinking about that plane ride already, or all the people that I get to see, and all the amazing things that are going to be accomplished during my time with the Kortright team in Quito and Shandia.

Sometimes it’s just lot of work to worry about what’s going on in front of my instead of what’s on my calendar.

Author: Danny

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