The team left this morning bright and early. I got to Hotel Galaxie at about 5:15 and we actually rolled out on time, with tons of luggage and 34 gringos in Ecuadorian pants, hats, ponchos, jewelry and scarves and YW t-shirts and hoodies. Maybe it’s a good thing they’re headed back to the States, because it was definitely not a “Low American Profile” this morning.
It was rough saying good-bye, especially because we actually had some time to stand around and talk as 34 people got bags off the bus. Elysaul came with us, and we laughed and hugged and joked and promised to tag each other in facebook photos.
We always say on the first night that in three or four days we’ll know each other and feel like we have been friends forever. I honestly have to say I was skeptical with this big a team, but I feel like I actually got a chance to connect with each person on the team and so even while it wasn’t easy to watch them drag those gigantic suitcases underneath the “International Departures” sign and out of sight, I’m looking forward to seeing and hearing about the fruit that will come about as they go “forward home” and to their new mission field of Holland, MI, USA. And if they were as impacted by the last ten days as me (and I know we all were), then oh what fruit it will be.
Today will be busy, and probably tomorrow as well. I’m looking forward to some fellowship at church and at brunch and here at the “frat house” and to getting to see my “peeps” tomorrow night. I’ve got some inside information on next block already, and I’m doing my best not to look too far ahead after realizing last night how relatively little time I have left here. One more block of teams and intern final debrief. In the words of Bryan, “Whoazers.”