Thanksgiving Uncensored

The Sunday before Thanksgiving, part of our youth group lesson was on… you guessed it… giving thanks to God. After the lesson/activity, we took time to write out some of the things the group is thankful for. Some of the things that were written down ended up being a lesson to me as well, so I thought I’d share. The list below includes the 152 unique entities in no particular order (repeats are noted). They came up with these in just four minutes. Some of them surprised me, some of them didn’t, and some of the ones you’d probably think that I wrote, I actually didn’t. Except for the most egregious errors, I left the spelling alone (as evidenced by #112, among others). Enjoy.

1. Forms of transportation
2. Love
3. memories
4. Ali
5. Church (x4)
6. Lauren
7. Learning through mistakes
8. Dinner
9. Mac
10. milkshakes
11. Makeup (x2)
12. NYG
13. summer vacation
14. My Darling Riding Buddy Anna Beth
15. contests
16. cows
17. moving
18. peace & feedom
19. Life
20. Mackenley
21. Everyone in the world
22. Food
23. Stephanie
24. my blood
25. Home
26. Jesus (x2)
27. Thanksgiving & turkey
28. Wawa Mashed Potatoes
29. Healing
30. Lockers
31. my birthday
32. Rena Stevenson
33. snow
34. Elephants
35. sweatshirts
36. Danny (x2)
37. Wilson
38. money
39. The Ackermans
40. my parents & grandparents
41. washer & dryer
42. Hot tubs
43. Berkmar UMC
44. Ketchup
45. Heat
46. sweet tea
47. Kayla
48. Cameron y Roberto Vivanco
49. God’s provision
50. sports (x3)
51. the ability to learn
52. Toni Wood
53. The Bible
54. bug spray
55. travelling
56. Dogs/my dog (x2)
57. culture
58. DBD
59. music (x2)
60. pets
61. Topography
62. Breakfast (x2)
63. chocolate
64. Will
65. Fridays
66. popcorn
67. Everything
68. For making us all different
69. airplanes
70. God (x4)
71. Languages
72. paper
73. school (x3)
74. chocolate cheesecake
75. Dan Lynam
76. Superman
77. Flowers
78. Parents
79. water
80. summers & babysitting
81. Parker
82. A’s on my report card
83. shoes
84. coupons
85. Good music
86. quiet moments with Christ
87. steak tacos
88. The Benjamin House
89. NYY
90. cute shoes
91. Lunch
92. Faith
93. Cheerleading
94. Julie Robinson
95. my computer
96. the beach
97. Jim Miller
98. movies
99. translation
100. talents
101. Friends & Family
102. pictures
103. First UMC
104. Clothes/Clothing (x4)
105. California
106. ocean
107. Chick-Fil-A
108. all of my fwiends
109. volleyball
110. missionaries everywhere
111. the seasons
112. Danny Peck, da best youf Leada evaa!
113. mentors
114. free country
115. summertime
116. Cheesburgers & FF’s
117. house/houses/my house (x4)
118. Boyz!
119. Earth
120. Friends/ my friends (x6)
121. Lourdes Inapanta
122. being healthy
123. Cars (x2)
124. my brother(s) x2
125. air-conditioning
126. ECU
127. Fun Times
128. international phone calls
129. Sarah Miller
130. coke
131. Katie
132. Aria
133. dance & singing
134. My Seester
135. FUMC Youth group (x3)
136. phones
137. indulgences
138. Ashlyn
139. pigs
140. Cats
141. Shelter (x2)
142. Ms. Nino Spanish teacher
143. Chic-Fil-A breakfast w/ A.B.
144. Hershey bar pie
145. Electricity
146. Holidays
147. iPods (x2)
148. Everything in the world
149. Family/my family (x2)
150. Olive Garden (x2)
151. The States
152. Noah


026this was the biggest chunk of the wall of which I could even get a clear photo.


Author: Danny

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