First Blog

Well, even though I think the word “Blog” is a silly word, I finally have one. I decided that my thoughts are so important that it would be a tragedy to let them slip away into the void of my forgetfulness should I not type them out. And although I think that blogs contribute towards the idiocy that permeates the internet these day (indeed if I mentioned that this post was part of my new weblog, many would have no idea that removing two letters for the sake of sheer laziness has given the morons of the world the precious online journals that amount to nothing more than an audience for their senseless ravings) I believe that it’s a better way to store, catalog, and share my brilliance than that haven for 12-year-old girls and 45-year-old creepers everywhere: myspace.

The lesser of two evils it is, and to the great benefit of you: the lucky soul who has discovered Dan’s blog, which hopefully by the time you are reading this has evolved into my own website again, in the event that I stop being cheap (and find some time outside of work, church1, church2, and school).

And no, there aren’t really footnotes. Just condescending to prove my deliberate repetition to those of you that still haven’t figured out my previous parenthetical paradox. Why I have such an alliterative, occasionally assonant inclination, I have no idea.

Author: Danny

Occasional Ecuadorian

One thought on “First Blog”

  1. Well, Dan, I’m impressed. Mostly with the abundance of amazing alliteration in the aforementioned afterthoughts. But seriously, I never thought you’d get a weblog, much less a blog. I want lots of profound posts. Soon.


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