A Bushel of Pecks

This weekend we’ve been in Atlanta. I missed the last two family trips, so I was pretty stoked to get to go this time. And for Grandpa Bill’s 90th birthday at that. I’ve been pretty sick and just wiped out (and I haven’t eaten hardly anything) but it’s been an excellent time anyway.

I think my Grandpa was especially pleased because all 4 of his sons were home. So between them and their families and Grandpa and my two Great Aunts and my dad’s cousin, we had a pile of Pecks (and Joyces and Brocks) at dinner tonight. Pretty awesome to see everyone and to give Grandpa Bill all the attention that he would probably normally just as soon hide out from.

It’s always fun to see your family. The people who you know and who know you and remember all the embarrassing stuff you did when you were little, but also who you can drive around with for five hours unsuccessfully1 looking for an Atlanta Braves store and still have a fantastic time with.

1I think Miley Cyrus was in town. We couldn’t get to the one Braves store we actually located at the CNN center. Darn you, throngs of twelve-year-old girls.

Author: Danny

Occasional Ecuadorian