"You don't HAVE a smoke detector on your phone" (or "Old people and technology")

I spend a lot of time around old people. And just so that if any of them read this, I use “old” as a relative term.

I know I’ve grown up with technology and I have an advantage when it comes to using it or figuring it out. And sometimes I feel like constant use of cell phones, instant messaging, e-mail, etc. has given me an edge in communication skills in general. So I found it hilarious this afternoon when a certain individual I work with and a certain client at the store tried explaining their mobile phones, phone service, and accompanying technology to each other.

I’m not really sure when smoke detectors entered the conversation (it was hard enough to try to keep up with two different people with two totally different topics in one single conversation) but the first quote in this blog entry’s title was actually spoken, exactly as I have typed it above.

No further profound statements. I think that says it all.

Author: Danny

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