Springtime Web Maintenance

I so rarely check look at my own website when I’m not in Ecuador, that the most common occurrence for the last several years is for me to find it totally broken when I do bother to check on it. So if you notice the face-lift, that’s why things are different. I logged on last night, and lo and behold, the front page simply wouldn’t load.

I chalk it up to laziness on my part in updating. Somebody found a flaw in WordPress and exploited it so that the theme I was running got messed up. I switched themes, and most of the content is back. But it doesn’t look like “me” around here at the moment.

I tell you that to tell you this. Once the school year starts and I return to a normal schedule, my plan is to begin a youth ministry blog, and split my website into two sections. One for my Ecuador writings, and one for my musings on the oddities of working with students and getting a paycheck from Jesus. So that face-lift will continue, but hopefully that’s a reason for me to actually create content here more often. And keep my website updated. And not get hacked. Again.

Keep checking back.