Altar Calls

There are a lot of things I’ve struggled with in ministry over the years. And sometimes I’ll have a problem with something that’s done in a worship service and then over time come to embrace it for one reason or another. Altar Calls are one of those things.

We’re at Beach Retreat right now and usually on trips like this the speaker will end their last session right before Communion with the “dedicate your life to the Lord and raise your hand and repeat this prayer after me” kind of deals. A former co-worker of mine described his distaste for this sort of thing by saying that though he understood the “necessity” of formally giving people that chance, that Altar Calls were just too easy. You’re on a spiritual and emotional high and separated from “real life,” and there are other people around you putting up their hands and you just sort of do what you’re supposed to, and well-meaning as you are during that mountaintop experience, it’s all the time afterward that counts, and those are the moments where it’s a lot harder to remain dedicated to God.

That was my feeling for a long time too. Partially because my friend vocalized this so well, and probably also due to my traditional worship background where hand raising was frowned upon.  If you hadn’t picked up on the tone of this post yet though, my attitude has changed over time, and even drastically tonight.

Between our weekend speaker and our musical guests tonight, there were really two Altar Calls woven into today’s session. And that’s what’s so cool. Both that they were woven into what was going on otherwise, and that they happened on the first night. At the beginning of what is going on here.

It made me think of a lesson I did a couple weeks ago with our grout about staying connected to God and realizing that sin is the very stuff that gets in the way of that relationship. How we have to just throw away the junk to be able to get down to worship, and to get down to just being in right relationship with our Creator. So many times people get up from that Altar Call just varying their eyes out, because we spend a lot of that prayer admitting to and getting over the bad stuff in our lives so we can accept the good and the forgiveness and the Grace of God. So here we were the first night doing just that, but not looking at going home tomorrow, but heading into a day of worship. A weekend continuing to plug in with God.

Does it make it any less easy to say “yes” during an Altar Call? No. Does that mean they’re inherently flawed? No. We are.  It’s easy to say you commit on a short term mission. At New Year’s. When people are looking on. When the problem is right in front of you. When it’s popular. When the pressure’s on. Timing is not the only thing wrong with a typical Altar Call. But even changing that one aspect of it makes me see the value of it. I can say now that Altar Calls are necessary without being so grudging.

Hacking (the good kind)

I’m one of the people nerdy enough to have ready the “Mark Zuckerberg manifesto” in the Facebook IPO filing today. In case you weren’t, he mentioned the negative connotation that exists of the word “hacking” and how really it just refers to problem-solving and building that needs to be quick and tends to be inelegant, but gets the job done nonetheless.  And twice in the last week I’ve referred to myself as a hacker out of pride for fixing a problem, not because I’ve broken into a system to which I shouldn’t have had access1. So I’m going to brag about them here. Partly because of that pride. But mostly because I agree with Zuckerberg’s ideas about sharing information, and this might help some of the less-computer-savvy people out there get into a wireless router one day, and because I had a very specific problem with iTunes/iOS/AppleTV/Airplay/ and Windows 7 tonight that hardly anyone else has written about.

The Router

We were skiing at Wintergreen last week, staying in houses up there for the long weekend, and there was a router in the room. The TV was getting it’s cable access through this router, and there was an RJ45 connection on the back (the plug for an ethernet/network cable) and it had blinking lights for internet and wireless, so it would clearly give me access to the internet on my iPad.When I looked up available connections, the router was even named with our room number to make it clearly identifiable. However, it was secured, and the password was not included in our guest information, and was not printed on the router itself. (Helpful hint if you are ever trying to do this: many times the default password is clearly marked on the router itself, or is the serial number of the route. In my case I was not so lucky).  Fortunately I also had a laptop with me and while I don’t carry a network cable around with me anymore, there was one in a kitchen drawer.

I hooked up to the router with my computer via the network cable, and went to my browser (in this case Firefox), typing in in the address bar. There are other addresses that it could have been, but I got lucky with my first try and Motorola uses this as their default IP address for their routers. The browser opened up the page for the router, but it required another login. While any computer physically plugged into the router can access it, this second layer of security is designed to keep out people like me who are not the actual owners of the router. Fortunately, it does absolutely no good if you leave the router login set to the defaults. I guessed the user name to be “admin” and the password to be “password” and then “root” and then left it blank, as these are all typical defaults. No dice. But since I had internet access via the network cable, I opened a new tab, did a Google search for the Motorola router default login. Turns out in this case, I was right about the user name, and the password should have been my next guess: “motorola.” Bingo, now I had access.

It took a little looking around before I found the right tab. The Motorola interface was unfamiliar to me, but once I clicked through to the correct page for wireless settings, I found the place to change the wireless access password. Now, I could have simply changed it so I would know it. Or I could have disabled the security altogether. But I didn’t want to make a change that I might either forget to change back, or be unable to change back. So I did something even simpler. I unchecked the box under the password that gives the option to “hide characters.” The password popped up, I called out the 10 digits to my roommates, and all four of us were online on iPhones/iPads in another 60 seconds. Without calling the front desk, without making any changes the owners would notice.

The Apple TV

I have an Apple TV. I got it to play my iTunes content (collected because I wanted to watch current shows that I couldn’t otherwise get in Ecuador and because I enjoy taking advantage of my legal right to a digital backup copy of the physical discs I own) on an actual TV, and realized a few days later that I could also use it as an Airplay speaker. I like to be able to wander around and have my music following me, so I take advantage of this all the time to play the same music on my computer and the Apple TV. But I noticed today that when I attempted this for the first time after updating to iTunes 10.5, it didn’t work. I spent a few minutes diagnosing the problem. My computer (running Windows 7) had access to the local network and to the internet. My Apple TV had access also to the internet and strangely enough to the rest of the network including my computer and iTunes content. It would still stream content from my computer wirelessly over the network when I gave it that command from the remote control. But it would simply not work for the specific task of being an Airplay speaker when selected from my computer. These two tasks seemed so similar I could not think why it would not work, especially since iTunes was recognizing it as an Airplay device and an option for my available speakers, but giving me an error message anyway.

The error message told me it was “unknown” and gave me a number of “-15000,” so I Googled something like “iTunes Apple TV error -15000.”  Nothing helpful. I tried it without the minus sign, since this is an old-school modifier for search engine results, but still nothing helpful. So then I added some more useful information. My search ended up including “iTunes 10” “Windows 7” “Apple TV” “Airplay” and “unknown error” and several other things. But after scanning the URLs of the search hits so that I could ignore all the useless official Apple support pages, I stumbled upon somebody with the exact same problem on a PC (the solution for similar problems on a Mac was interesting, and involved the way Macs implement IPv6, but didn’t help me) who published his fix for it.

It turns out the cause is the instructions that iTunes gives to Windows apparently can get mixed up during an update from an older version of the software. That’s what happened here, with the instructions to Windows Firewall about the UDP port being incorrect (the UDP port is basically the place and the method by which iTunes communicates in real-time with Airplay devices, in this case the Apple TV). I had to open the Advanced Settings of Windows Firewall and found the instruction set for iTunes within the “Inbound Rules.” There were three separate ones, so I checked out the properties of each one. The first two were about TCP ports (not used for Airplay because they are based on getting all the information in order, rather than getting the information continuously, for a streaming application) so I accessed the third option and checked the box for “Private” networks. Apparently Windows Firewall was only applying the rule (“allow”) to communication from the Apple TV if it came in over a network connection designated as “Public,”  which my home network is definitely not labelled2.

Immediately after the Firewall-related windows were OK‘ed and closed, I clicked “multiple speakers”  and then “Apple TV” in iTunes, a viola, music from two sets of speakers.

Two problems solved. Nothing insanely hard, and technically no unauthorized access to other systems, but hacking nonetheless.

1I’m not entirely sure I was intended to have access to the wireless internet in the room where we stayed at Wintergreen. There was nothing anywhere telling us the password. This is why I resorted to hacking before calling the front desk and risking being told that the internet was only for the owners and that’s why they didn’t print the network key anywhere. But when there’s a router and a network cable that I can easily access, I interpret that as permission.

2If you tried to do to my router what I did to the one at Wintergreen, you would fail miserably because the router password has been changed from the default. I’d recommend doing this if you don’t want someone like me accessing the  network at your beach/mountain cottage. I still could have done it, though. I’d just had to have left a trace by using the physical reset button on the router. And I was desperate enough for communication with the outside world that I would have done it. We’d switched around rooms, so Alison’s name was on the list instead of mine anyway.