Spring Intern Retreat

I’ve come to the conclusion that I’ve gotten to be a lazy blogger lately. The benefit to y’all is that you get to see lots of pictures.


Here we all are in front of canoes we took down the Napo River. I hope I never get over the beauty of Ecuador, but there are some moments where I realize how much certain things have gotten to be normal life for me. As I looked out over the river, I thought to myself, “This looks a lot like the Pasquotank.” Then I snapped back and remembered I was surrounded by all this crazy jungle foliage and palm trees and thought “Yeah… not really.” We all look oddly red in this picture, but nobody’s sunburned.


On Tuesday, we planned to fly into Tiweno from the MAF field in Shell. Turns out it rained literally all day, so we spent some time doing a couple work projects around the hanger. Matt is holding a heavy-duty hair dryer to warm up the wall while Joanna strips the paint and Lauren is sweeping up.

The people from Tiweno show us a traditional-style Huaorani dance and sang a couple of songs for us. Chet was the first of the gringos to get dragged into it, but we were all in the circle by the time it was finished.

This post originally published at www.dannypeck.net