Lydia, this one’s for you.
Even when I was little and my mom actually made me breakfast, I just wasn’t a big eater in the morning. I’d have a bowl of cereal and a glass of juice and cram it down as fast as I could so I could go play before I had to go to school.
I think it was about the seventh grade when breakfast became a Pop-Tart on the way out the door and definitely in the ninth grade when I just gave up on breakfast all together. In fact, from about Christmas of 2000 until summer of 2007, I might have had breakfast once a week, on Thursdays, and later on Fridays, depending on the day of our Sr. High Bible Study at Rachel’s Place. Even when I came home from Ecuador last year, much as I enjoyed eating breakfast and having coffee with Edla, Holly, Hunter, Julie, and Katie, I was pretty much totally unmotivated to get out of bed more than half an hour before I had to be at church, school, or work.
Maybe it’s just the fact that I’ve been eating pancitos y huevos for three months and I’m used to it, or maybe it’s that I just enjoyed feeling functional before 10:00am. But despite sleeping through my alarm for twelve days straight, I shot out of bed this morning at 7:13 and made breakfast.
It’s the first day of class and I’m motivated, but I think that more than that, it’s the idea of having somewhere to be. I haven’t had to work or go to class or go to meetings or my team or basically anything since the 7th. I had church on the two Sundays in there, but I knew that my mom would wake me up to get in the shower before Colin. This morning it was all me, and not because I’m ecstatic to be heading to COA by any means. I was actually happy about breakfast.
Seriously, Lydia. Just shut up. I know. You win.
Cereal, toast, juice, milk and café con leche (I was too lazy to scramble eggs- give me a break, that’s pretty good). And somehow I still managed to be an hour ahead of schedule to have time to do my quiet time before the rest of my day suddenly happened, and to sit down and write this before I even take off for class (even ahead of schedule, I’ll probably end up late now because of this).
In many ways, breakfast is a lot like God. I want to look forward to prayer time and worship (and lately I tend to a lot more) rather than feeling obligated towards them. And He recharges us and equips us for that to which He sends us much like how fueled I feel for my day thanks to a cup of Cinnamon Toast Crunch.
I know it’s a pretty stupid analogy. Really, I do. I’d elaborate on it some more (anyway) if I wasn’t trying to make this a “good student” day and be somewhat on time for my first class. But you can connect the dots however else you’d like. As for me, I hope I go into today (and this school year and coming weeks and months back at work) looking forward to what God has in store for me, and fueled and ready for it.
And I’m going to have to find some mermelada de mora.